A runoff election is required in Texas in certain races if no candidate receives more than 50% of the votes in a general election, primary election, or special election.

Election by plurality–that is, election of a candidate with fewer than 50 percent of the votes–is allowed only for school board trustees in certain districts (depending on local policy of the board), city council seats in certain cities (depending on the city charter), state executive officials, state legislators, and United States senators and congressional representatives.

In primary runoffs, voters may only vote in the runoff of the party for which they voted in the primary election. For instance, a voter who voted in the Democratic primary may not participate in a Republican primary runoff. However, if a voter did not cast a ballot in the primary, they can vote in either a Democratic or Republican runoff race.

After a November general election, runoffs are held in December. After a March primary election, runoffs are held in May.

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