The Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) is a state agency that assists veterans and their families, including by helping them with the claims process for federal benefits, tuition assistance, and helping them find jobs.
The commission is one of the older agencies of state government, dating to 1927 when it was created to help veterans of the First World War and the Spanish-American War.
The agency’s programs include:
- Claims Representation and Counseling: The agency serves veterans, their dependents and survivors to navigate the federal process to obtain disability benefits. TVS works closely with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
- Education Program: The Texas Veterans Commission oversees implementation of the Hazlewood Act, a state law that provides veterans, spouses, and dependent children with up to 150 hours of tuition exemption at public institutions of higher education in Texas.
- Employment Services: The commission offers employment services to Texas veterans and helps employers find qualified veteran job applicants. The goal of these services is to match veteran job seekers with the best employment opportunities available.
- Veteran Entrepreneur Program: The commission works with a team of business consultants to help veterans start businesses. They consult with veterans free of charge.
- Fund for Veterans’ Assistance: The commission makes grants to eligible charities and local government agencies that provide direct services to Texas veterans.
- Health Care Advocacy: Commission staff act as liaisons for Texas veterans to the federal Veterans Health Administration.
- Women Veterans Program: The commission raises awareness of unique challenges faced by women veterans and helps them to obtain benefits and services.

A five-member board of commissioners set the policies of the TVC and oversees its work. The commissioners are appointed by the governor and approved by the state senate. They are unpaid except for a per diem for each day that they engage in TVC business.
Actual management of the agency falls to an Executive Director who is a full-time state employee. Currently, Thomas P. Palladino is the Executive Director of the Texas Veterans Commission. He is a retired U.S. Army Colonel.