Role in Project Financing
The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) is a state agency responsible for financing public water projects in Texas, planning for droughts and floods, and conducting water-related science and data collection.
The board was created by constitutional amendment in 1957 after years of drought, which triggered disaster declarations in more than 200 counties and left many cities without enough water.
The Sunset Advisory Commission has characterized the Texas Water Development Board as “essentially a large infrastructure bank, providing loans and grants for water supply, water and wastewater treatment, flood control, and agricultural water conservation projects.”
TWDB finances the following types of project:

- water and wastewater infrastructure;
- stormwater controls;
- dams and reservoirs;
- water distribution systems;
- agricultural water conservation projects;
- wastewater treatment plants.
Role in Water Science
In addition to its role in financing infrastructure projects, TWDB employs dozens of scientists and data specialists who collect and analyze data relating to water quality and quantity, groundwater, flooding, and conservation.
These researchers include hydrologists, geologists, coastal scientists, river scientists, mapping specialists, groundwater modelers, flood modelers, and specialists in emerging water technologies.
The agency installs and maintains gauges that monitor aquifer levels, groundwater quality, reservoir levels, droughts, and floods. These efforts help the state government, local governments, businesses, and citizens understand flood risks, drought risks, and the availability of water for municipal purposes.
The Water Development Board is also responsible for developing and implementing a statewide water plan, and it administers the National Flood Insurance Program in Texas.
Agency Structure
The Texas Water Development Board is governed by a three-member board who are appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. State law requires one board member to have a background in engineering, one member to have a background in finance, and one member to have experience in law or business.
Day-to-day operations of the Water Development Board are managed by an executive administrator, who oversees an agency staff of several hundred, including grant specialists, financial analysts, scientists, and attorneys. In the 2020-2021 biennium, the agency had 395 authorized staff positions. TWDB is funded by a mix of state and federal revenues.
Sunset Review
The Sunset Advisory Commission reviewed the work and mandate of the Texas Water Development Board in 2022-2023 and recommended continuing the agency without legislative changes. However, it made some suggestions for operational improvements. You can read the full Sunset report here:
The next Sunset review is scheduled for 2034-2035.