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The Texas Medical Board (TMB) is a state agency that regulates the practice of medicine by doctors (MDs) and osteopathic doctors (DOs) in Texas.
Practicing medicine in Texas is “a privilege and not a natural right of individuals,” according to the Texas Medical Practice Act. A person in Texas therefore may not practice medicine without a license.
The Texas Medical Board interviews candidates seeking a medical license, issues and revokes licenses, and considers disciplinary matters.
By law, the board has the power to make rules about physician advertising, rules about patient records, and rules governing the practice of medicine.
Appointed Board
The board consists of 19 members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the state senate. Twelve members are physicians, including nine doctors of medicine and three doctors of osteopathic medicine. Seven other members are considered representatives of the public.
Each member holds a six-year term. The board typically meets five times a year. Additionally, the board has several committees that meet separately. These include:
- Disciplinary Process Review Committee;
- Executive Committee;
- Finance Committee;
- Licensure Committee.
Agency Staff
The board employs an executive director and agency staff of 217.
The agency’s staff are organized into three divisions – Licensure, Enforcement, and Administration – which in turn consist of several departments, including Registrations, Licensing, Enforcement, Investigations, Compliance, Litigation, and IT.
TMB staff also support several other regulatory agencies, including the State Board of Acupuncture Examiners, the Physician Assistant Board, the Board of Medical Radiologic Technology, and the Board of Respiratory Care.
The state medical board used to be called the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners. The earliest medical regulatory body in Texas dates to the founding of the Republic. In 1837, the Congress of the Texas Republic created a Board of Medical Censors.
Through the years, the board has grown in size from 11 members to 19 members today.