The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) regulates insurers, investigates insurance fraud, and administers the Texas workers’ compensation system.
The agency is responsible for enforcing the Texas Insurance Code. It licenses agents and adjusters, operates a consumer help line to receive complaints against insurance companies and agents, and helps resolve complaints.
TDI’s Division of Workers’ Compensation monitors compliance with the Workers’ Compensation Act, Texas Labor Code, and other regulations. The division is responsible for ensuring that companies pay injured workers’ compensation claims. It does not itself pay benefits.
Other duties of the Texas Department of Insurance include serving as the State Fire Marshal’s Office and providing administrative support to the Office of Injured Employee Counsel, a separate agency.
TDI’s Fraud Unit is responsible for investigating fraudulent insurance acts, including claimant fraud, workers’ compensation fraud, life settlement fraud, and mortgage fraud. The unit employs peace officers, attorneys, fraud examiners, and investigators. It also employs prosecutors who are based in district attorney’s offices in several large counties.
TDI is headed by a Commissioner of Insurance. The commissioner serves a two-year term on appointment of the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate.
The Division of Workers’ Compensation is headed by its own appointed commissioner, who likewise serves a two-year term.
TDI was originally founded in 1876 as the Department of Insurance, Statistics and History.