Purpose and Duties

The Texas Ethics Commission is a state agency that maintains records of financial disclosures by public officials, campaign finance statements, and other documents required by public ethics laws.

Duties of the Texas Ethics Commission include:

  • preparing written legal opinions in response to citizen requests for guidance on public ethics laws;
  • holding hearings on sworn ethics complaints;
  • imposing civil penalties for civil ethics violations, or making criminal referrals to a prosecuting attorney;
  • keeping a record of registered lobbyists and lobbyist activities in Texas;
  • denying, suspending, or revoking lobbyists registrations for violations; and
  • recommending the salaries and per diem of members of the Texas Legislature, the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives.

The Ethics Commission was established by a constitutional amendment approved by voters in 1991.

Membership and Appointment Process

According to the Texas Constitution sec. 24a., the Texas Ethics Commission is part of the legislative branch of government and consists of eight members:

  1. two members of different political parties appointed by the governor from a list of at least 10 names submitted by the members of the House of Representatives from each political party required by law to hold a primary;
  2. two members of different political parties appointed by the governor from a list of at least 10 names submitted by the members of the Senate from each political party required by law to hold a primary;
  3. two members of different political parties appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives from a list of at least 10 names submitted by the members of the house from each political party required by law to hold a primary; and
  4. two members of different political parties appointed by the lieutenant governor from a list of at least 10 names submitted by the members of the Senate from each political party required by law to hold a primary.

The governor may reject all names on any list submitted by either House or Senate and require a new list to be submitted. The members of the commission elect annually the chairman of the commission.

The commission employs a staff, including an executive director, a general counsel, director of enforcement, and director of disclosure filings.

Filed Ethics Disclosures

A database of campaign finance filings kept by the Ethics Commission may be found here. A separate database of lobbyist registrations is available here. Public orders relating to sworn complaints are available here.

Enforcement Process

The Ethics Commission is authorized to undertake civil enforcement actions in response to sworn complaints. Any individual who lives in Texas or owns property in Texas may file a sworn complaint alleging a violation of laws within the commission’s jurisdiction. 

The filing of a sworn complaint sets in motion a process that may include a preliminary review as well as informal or formal hearings. A sworn complaint may be resolved at several points in the process. The commission may ultimately resolve a sworn complaint by dismissal or imposition of a civil penalty. 

A respondent may appeal a final decision of the commission to a district court for a trial de novo. During most stages of the process the commissioners and commission staff are required to keep the complaint confidential. 

Complaints are not taken over the phone or by e-mail. A sworn complaint must be filed on a form prescribed by the commission. The commission does not take complaints in which either the complainant is anonymous or the identity of the respondent is not known. 

The sworn complaint process is governed by:

Final orders of the commission are confidential if they dismiss a complaint or find only technical or de minimis violations. 


Can I make a complaint anonymously to the Texas Ethics Commission? 

No. You must fill out a form giving your identity, address, and contact information.

Does the Texas Ethics Commission investigate media reports of misconduct or allegations circulated on social media?

The commission only holds hearings in response to a sworn complaint or if at least six members of the commission vote to initiate a proceeding.

Where is the Texas Ethics Commission based?

The Texas Ethics Commission is headquartered at the Sam Houston Building at 201 East 14th Street in Austin, Texas.

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