The Texas state government includes about 150 state agencies that operate as distinct administrative units, each with its own budget, structure, and mandate.

State agencies include boards, commissions, offices, and departments in the executive, judicial, or legislative branches of state government. Public universities are sometimes considered state agencies, though they excluded from this list. In total, Texas has about 70 public institutions of higher education, including the University of Texas and Texas A&M Systems.

Political subdivisions, such as counties, cities, and school districts are not considered state agencies. One key difference is that these subdivisions set their own budgets and generate their own revenue, whereas state agencies depend on appropriations from the legislature.

The leadership and organizational structure of state agencies varies widely. Some are headed by boards that are appointed by the governor, others are led by legislators, and still others are headed by elected executive branch officials.

Most state agencies belong to the executive branch of government. However, unlike federal departments, which fall under the control of the U.S. president, not all Texas agencies within the executive branch are under the direct control of the governor. For instance, the Texas Agriculture Department is headed by an elected commissioner of agriculture, and the General Land Office is headed by an elected land commissioner.

A handful of state agencies belong to the judicial or legislative branches, such as the Texas Legislative Council (legislative branch) and the Office of Court Administration (judicial).

State agencies are created by acts of the Texas Legislature, or by the Texas Constitution.

List of Texas State Agencies

This article is part of Texapedia, the Encyclopedia of Texas Government.

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